LGBTQI+ Black people and people of colour are too often overlooked in surveys about the LGBTQI+ experience. In 2018, for example, over 90% of respondents to the UK's National LGBT+ Survey were white.

UK Black Pride represents and makes space for a remarkable range of people, experiences and cultures – and we all deserve to have our voices heard. How else can services and policy be shaped, or funding allocated, if our communities are never asked about what we need?

The findings from this survey will help inform the first UK Black Pride Community Action Plan, through which we’ll distribute funding to our communities through organisations that support them.

In the research and development for this survey, we were told we’d be “lucky” to have 1,500 respondents to our inaugural survey. As ever, our communities are underestimated. We trust you’ll speak up, have your voice heard and help determine how we continue to make a lasting impact on the LGBTQI+ Black people and people of colour we represent.

This survey is anonymous and confidential.

Tell us how you feel and what you need. We’ll make sure resources are made available to support you.